Advanced Tools for Journal Editors
Manage Your Journal with Data-Driven Insights from Academic Publications
Free yourself from the stress of manual editorial tasks by analyzing data from academic papers and their citations, our tool simplifies strategic decisions for journal editors
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Companies and universities of all sizes are innovating their research with Scinapse
Elevate Your Journal’s Influence
with 20% of the Effort
Gain insights into how your journal measures up against top competitors
and adopt winning strategies that boost citations and impact.
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Gain a Comprehensive View of Journal Performance
Analyze publication trends and diversity for your research agenda. Compare your journal with JCR or Scimago metrics & access detailed citation analytics by article type, research field, and more to refine your strategy.
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Benchmark Against the Best
Understand why leading journals perform better & use their data to build a more effective editorial strategy.
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Discover Emerging Research Agendas
Identify trending research areas gaining attention—or those losing momentum—so you can adapt your focus accordingly & stay ahead of the trends.
Find the Perfect Peer Reviewer in Minutes
Effortlessly find reviewers who are not only experts
but also free from conflicts of interest in the research area.
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Find Experts Using Just Research Keywords
No need for names or affiliations; locate true experts working on specific research based on research keywords alone.
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Filter Out Unlikely Reviewers
Use our advanced filters to find reviewers more likely to accept invitations, based on geography, career stage, institution, and more.
Maximize Your Journal’s Potential
Use actionable insights to strategically manage content and elevate your journal’s impact with ease.