Original paper
Immobilization of L-methionine γ-lyase on different cellulosic materials and its potential application in green-selective synthesis of volatile sulfur compounds
Volume: 8, Issue: 4, Pages: 103870 - 103870
Published: Aug 1, 2020
The aim of the present investigation is dealing with the role of different cellulosic materials in stabilization of L-methionine γ-lyase (MGL) using physical adsorbed immobilization green protocol for volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) production. Immobilization efficiency and enzyme activity of MGL were evaluated for each of tested cellulosic material. In comparison, green cellulose nanofibers (GCNFs) were found to be promising nano-materials...
Paper Details
Immobilization of L-methionine γ-lyase on different cellulosic materials and its potential application in green-selective synthesis of volatile sulfur compounds
Published Date
Aug 1, 2020
103870 - 103870
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