Original paper
High performance one-for-all phototheranostics: NIR-II fluorescence imaging guided mitochondria-targeting phototherapy with a single-dose injection and 808 nm laser irradiation
Current phototheranostics is still encountering various impediments, which causes complicated and prolonged therapy, and increases unnecessary side effects and systemic toxicity to patients. Herein, mitochondria-targeting one-for-all phototheranostic nanoparticles based on single-component organic molecule were designed and fabricated. After being irradiated with a single 808 nm laser, outstanding second near-infrared (NIR-II) fluorescence...
Paper Details
High performance one-for-all phototheranostics: NIR-II fluorescence imaging guided mitochondria-targeting phototherapy with a single-dose injection and 808 nm laser irradiation
Published Date
Feb 1, 2020
119671 - 119671
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