Original paper
SLC39A14 deficiency alters manganese homeostasis and excretion resulting in brain manganese accumulation and motor deficits in mice
Significance Manganese (Mn) is an essential nutrient that is toxic in excess. Exposure to excess Mn can result in Mn accumulation in the brain and neurological and motor disturbances resembling Parkinson disease. Here, we demonstrate that the transmembrane metal-ion transporter solute carrier family 39, member 14 (SLC39A14) is essential for Mn homeostasis. We provide evidence that SLC39A14 is required for efficient Mn uptake by the liver and...
Paper Details
SLC39A14 deficiency alters manganese homeostasis and excretion resulting in brain manganese accumulation and motor deficits in mice
Published Date
Feb 7, 2018
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