Original paper
Will the EU’s Proposal Concerning an Investment Court System for CETA and TTIP Lead to Enforceable Awards?—The Limits of Modifying the ICSID Convention and the Nature of Investment Arbitration
Volume: 19, Issue: 4, Pages: 761 - 786
Published: Dec 1, 2016
Both the November 2015 EU Commission proposal for Investment Protection and Resolution of Investment Disputes in the EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) as well as the revised February 2016 version of the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) contain an investment court system (ICS) which is a two-tier mechanism for investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS), combining elements of traditional...
Paper Details
Will the EU’s Proposal Concerning an Investment Court System for CETA and TTIP Lead to Enforceable Awards?—The Limits of Modifying the ICSID Convention and the Nature of Investment Arbitration
Published Date
Dec 1, 2016
761 - 786
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